Sexy Tattoo Star
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Butterfly Tattoo For girls
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Body Tattoos - An Artistic Expression Inspired by Life Itself
And when we get a resolution from the presence of our design dermagraphic first, or maybe the next one, it's really important to know that: tattoo design of your choice is permanent commitment with yourself. Like everything we do in our daily lives, and be the decision of the heart and a genuine desire. There are a lot of people that have their own reasons, and a tattoo, and will be for these reasons:

2: the desire to do something, animals, cultures, music, and so on.
3: work commitment and loyalty and pride ..
There are many ways that we want to express our self, name, and art Derma pigmentation, or tattoos, and the manner in which the use of many people for many centuries to express their roots, culture and feelings, as well.
Came the meanings of its own, and beautiness and originality I am an artist for many years, and I'm all art not meant, of every customer I deal with it, because I understand that in some cases, we have an idea in our minds that we want to realize it in our skin, but we need to see pictures or different types of art Therefore, we can get the support of creativity, or even capture the art style we were looking for.

It is therefore very important to be completely sure about the design you want, meaning, and how the value is for you ... So you will not feel sorry for that.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Popular Tattooed Body Parts
Before wearing a tattoo, especially the ones standing, you need to take into account some important things. It is wrong to believe that all parts of the body and on an equal footing. Not all areas of the body are the same. Some are more sensitive than others. Therefore, you need to consider this issue seriously. Tattoo on the joints, elbows, feet, knees, and not so famous to get rid of fading. Artist Hassan considers such matters, and create a tattoo that looks nice on your body. It can also help you choose the right part of the body to create a tattoo.
4 most popular tattooed body parts are:
1. Wrist tattoos - one of the popular tattoo. And can be hidden under the bracelet or watch if you want.
2. Lower Back Tattoos are also very popular among the masses. Most women love to create a tattoo on this area of the body.
3. Foot Tattoo - Some people also like to wear tattoos on their feet.
4. Ankle tattoos - and there are also people who love to create tattoos on their ankles.
1. Arm tattoo designs, there are some really amazing arm tattoos.
2. Designs of the emblem.
3. Designs chest.
4. Designs of the forearm.
5. Hip designs.
6. Designs of the leg.
7. Designs of the neck.
8. Rib designs.
9. Designs the shoulder.
10. Designs High again
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Tattoos - A History of This Taboo Art
For a long time, it was believed that the tattoo came out of Egypt and the pharaohs and mummies Several tattoo marks in several places. However, the 5300-year-old mummy of Otzi The Ice Man also marks the tattoos on his body. This proves that the tattoo has art from the prehistoric age. The aim of those behind the tattoo is still uncertain.
Other body of prehistoric found in Russia, shows a great deal of the print depicting creatures magical and mythical and real animals. Discovered at a later time and there are a number of these mummies from the same place, and all have a good amount of this tattoo all over their bodies.
In Samoa, tattooing is also part of ancient traditions. It represents a person's social status. Chief of the tribe is usually the one with the heaviest of the tattoo. A ceremony was held on the occasion that the younger heads of getting a tattoo to indicate that it has reached adulthood. And implement all the signs of pride and a symbol of their dedication to culture.
The tattoo is a very important part of the culture in New Zealand. Moko Art is a very illustrative example of the skills and precision gained with time. People are accustomed to carving techniques for this purpose.
It is said that this ancient art has entered the modern Western world with the sailors and prisoners brought to England by Captain Cook. It is difficult to know whether America through the deployment of British troops or from Latin America. Took the electric tattoo machine tattoo first store opened n New York in 1846, and then, over. Since then, and has gained popularity down in those countries.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A Brief Look at Modern Tattoo Culture
History shows us that tattoos serve different purposes. In Egyptian culture, tattoos are sometimes used in such mascot. Historical results show that pregnant women often get a series of dots tattooed on the abdomen, and religious figures tattooed on their thighs as a means to provide protection during childbirth. Other cultures are also used tattoos as a means to prove the royal heritage.
Scythian to be British or without tattoos had been due to the person of the community is low. The Greeks and Romans tattoo marks belonging ... Religious people who belong to God, or slaves who belonged to their masters. Maori in New Zealand are well known to their heads very stylized, artistic and a tattoo on the face.
Although the causes of tattoos have changed over the ages, and designs, and causes, and the colors still represent something different for each person. In modern culture today, and tattoo designs are often keen person to their loved ones, their country, their dreams, their profession or art. Tattoo marks are no longer a simple amulet from the date the distant past, was a picture of life and love and put on display like a painting is priceless.
How many tattoos are often one of the most expressive tattoos and rich person can get it. Using the arm as canvas to display images of life, and a full, half or three quarters of tattoo how much is a lively and creative self-expression. And many people decided they did not intend to get a tattoo, how when you start, but over time, tattoos Construction technically all intertwined to form a tattoo km.
Each person in a myriad of people to join the ranks of a tattoo, both drunken rush, or a genuine desire to be careful that tattoo. Whatever the reason, and we are truly remarkable culture. Tattoo has left the ranks of the nobility and to reach the historic mixing between modern man. Entered the tattoo world, even in practice, and advancement of women the option to be makeup tattooed on their faces so that they will never have to stir in the powder room again, or have a visit with Mary Kay. Even if the tattoo in your future you will be in good company man and will forever be symbols of tattoos on the skin as a means to show the world what kind of person.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tattoo and Body Art of Africa
Men and women alike wear such body art, designs and patterns to create usually symbolic of gods or other divine forms that were used to worship and follow-up. It is also believed that some of the designs battles marked or relations with the ancestral gods or ancestors, and sometimes from reincarnation. You will get a tattoo of women, often after their wedding, to celebrate the dedication to her husband and children. Thus, the persons body art had to say a lot about the person.
The most popular method is the style of Celtic origin, who was in the United Kingdom. Since Christianity was the religion of the founders of the pattern of Celtic designs and patterns is largely affected by this religion. Has many of the designs of the Holy Cross, and also the tree of life, and the design of the Holy Trinity. Celtic tattoos, mostly simple in design, and thus be completed in one session at the most. Looks great in dark ink.
Similarly, the African body art has also been driving the fashion industry mad. This is because the symbolism of unique methods and rugged, and looks. Most African Tattoo Art as follows:
Q symbols ancient African gods who were thought to be the savior and guardians of human souls from evil spirits and unnatural. Were worn, especially by the people and the tribes to protect themselves from evil spirits throughout their lives.

O men wore tattoo designs that portray the courage and bravery. It has also taken the time to be brave and pattern of body art involves a lot of pain in those days.
O Most African Tattoo carrying symbols of animals, most of them fatal, which symbolizes the courage and strength to a man on an equal basis of the strength of the animal.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Egyptian Cat Tattoos
More than 5000 years ago, Egyptians began to worship cats as a powerful animal totem "", or spiritual protectors. With the passage of time, he began to represent many different aspects of the lives of the ancient Egyptians. The cat was a symbol of the feminine principle, as well as fertility and motherhood. Also, they believe that this cat was a powerful symbol of the lunar surface.
In the book of the dead, said the cats as a protector against the evil gods and spirits. Following this, you will often find statues of cats wearing jewelry, or even cats stuffed buried in graves along with their owners.
It is arguable that the Egyptians took this too far. During the war with the Persians, the Persians and the kidnapping of thousands of cats hostage, demanding the immediate extradition in exchange for the life kitties. Rather than to tempt the death of the gods, the Egyptians surrendered immediately and hand over their land to the Persians.
After thousands of years of love that never ends, and a wealth of cat changed in 400 BC, when he was banned from the population from the worship of cats. Since then, the cats returned to their status as domesticated animals in Egypt.
Egyptian cat tattoo on a big step to show your individuality, as well as to allow the world to know that you have the spiritual side of Mystic. It also looks very strange, and while they are also very traditional to have luck with the new real age.
Because this is not a very common design too, you should spend some time looking around in the databases of a wide range of tattoo designs to choose the one you want before you go to the tattoo salon. Otherwise, you will have a very limited range to choose from when you go there.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Things to Remember About a Tribal Tattoo Picture

Because of all the resources available, picking out the conservative image of the tribal were not easier. While there are a huge amount to choose from, this can be useful instead of trying to choose from and less need to settle for something you do not like really. There are thousands of designs available, and there should not be any problems choosing one.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Top Three Tattoo Designs and What They Mean

Well, this is not really such, but may be if you make the wrong decision and get a tattoo that is openly contemptuous of the get-go. An important factor to remember when considering tattoo designs the top three and the meaning is that this is a list of biased and not one of your head and imagination. The tattoo designs are displayed above the three in the order listed below for fun and entertainment to your.
Tattoo Anniversary *
* Quality Ink positive
* Event ink
It is important to tell the world how you feel about your children several times until we hear only in the media monsters and horror stories of what happens to children even in the custody of their parents.
This disturbing reality is a good reason why many people put their children's pictures and names on their bodies so that they can constantly remind the responsibility and love.
Positive quality ink symbolizes the personal qualities which you feel strongly about and you may be in their possession or even work for the acquisition. Courage and discipline, and romance, and energy are just a few positive examples of the quality of tattoos that can be applied to your body in an artistic way. Finally we come to the tattoo design Event ink. Event refers to any incident or situation that you want to remember a positive or a celebration to tell the world how you feel about that place or person.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Where to Find Good Tattoo Ideas

Tattoo magazines.
Hit to their local bookstore and head for the magazine section. There are a ton of good tattoo magazines with lots of ideas for ink. Even if you do not find the exact design you are looking for, you can get some ideas or are inspired to look into different styles.
Tattoo in public.
Keep your eyes on tattoos in public. So many people ink now days, your best bet for finding a good tattoo ideas, could be other people in public. Most people are very cool about the ink and you want to go to your tattoo artist or provide you with more information about a particular style or design.
The Internet offers some very good tattoo ideas. But you must look in the right places. The best solution is the tattoo gallery online. Find highly recommended gallery, join the army and browse unlimited high quality performance. You'll definitely find at least a handful of great designs for potential future ink. It's very easy and convenient way to find quality work, print out and take it straight to the salon.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Pictures of Tattoos - What to Look For in Artwork Galleries

First and foremost, you need to see what kind of artwork in the gallery and. Once you find a couple of places, and check to see if they have the real artists make their art. If you have this, and this is a sure sign that the show cares about what they put on their site.
If this sounds like a bit of time too long for you, and this because it may be. That's why I do not end here article. You can pretty much forget what we talked only about, I am about to show you how to get directly to the galleries better I was talking just now. It involves the use of force in large forums, which is amazingly good to supply you with links and names to each site one work of art you need to know about when looking for great pictures of tattoos.
These are some of the most basic tips that can be imagined, but it has always worked for me when looking for images as clear as the sun tattoo.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A Female Tattoo Gallery Needs to Constantly Update Their Artwork

This all comes up with pride in the artwork can be selected from all female tattoo gallery you happen to delve into.
Every Good Female Tattoo Gallery Should Have Two Qualities

First, check if you have a member area where people can freely share their ideas and their photos. Seeing other people's artwork for styles like a great way to get your thoughts racing, which is always a good idea.

Next, check whether the "real" artists put their drawings on the female tattoo gallery. You can record the names and check the other things I've done with your search engine. It is also a way to find out where else could be producing the original artwork. Gallery, who is not afraid to say that artists submitting artwork eat in a place you can trust that things your site with generic junk.
Once you find a tattoo gallery that has these things, amazing selection of patterns become much more fun.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Sacred Heart Tattoos - Sexy and Spiritual
It probably does not surprise you to learn that some people tattoo the most popular choice of religious symbols and icons. Get a picture of a tattoo of the Cross, for example, makes some Christians feel closer to God. For some Jews, can be the star of David intimate, indelible reminder of their heritage and history.
And is also linked to the Sacred Heart with a deep spiritual and cultural significance. It can be a symbol of sacrifice, a symbol of power, or a symbol of both. Meaning, just like your tattoo, is intensely personal.
First, make sure you are aware of the differences in costs. In general, colorful tattoos and much more expensive than the typical black tattoo - because most of the ink costs more, but also because the artist must take the time to switch equipment. If the cost may be a problem for you, you may want to consider in the selection of black ink.
Secondly, we must be aware of the threshold of pain. If you have a high tolerance for pain, and then maybe you can also choose a color tattoo. Because the artist and reload his gun at a time to change colors, and the process of getting a tattoo colored necessarily take longer than to get one single color, and shading can be complicated to make this difference more pronounced.
It is clear that there are many factors to consider when you're thinking about getting a tattoo of the Sacred Heart. This powerful image can be a source of pride, spiritual and aesthetic alike, regardless of where you get it or the number of colors you use, you will not regret this decision.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Tattoo After Care - Caring For Your Tattoo

Will have been cleaned and tattoo artist tattoo and some disinfectant applied at the end of the session. This will keep your tattoo guard against infection until the removal of a protective bandage. And now up to you. It should be the original protective bandage to stay as long as possible. However, you do not want to leave to take off their clothes for several days. Let me explain, it's a good idea to keep the lid until you are ready to shower the next day.
Do not come home from the tattoo studio and jump directly to the bathroom. The next time you get in the bathroom, clean gently with soap and water using light only your finger tips. Purification of the area or to use soap, exfoliating is not good.

Make sure you have clean hands before touching or cleaning your tattoo. And keeping your hands clean means you will be virtually no possibility of any fears of infection. When you dry off after your shower do not rub, it is just dry and when the skin is completely dry, apply your protection.
And is usually sold as some kind of tattoo goo in most tattoo shops. There are many types of products available but not a necessity. All used by many people is a cheap perfume free moisturizer.
Many of the artists also indicate tube of ointment AD. And vitamin (a) and D in this ointment is good for healing the skin. For the first two days you can use the ointment m to maintain your tattoo bright and clean. Although many people recommend that all you need is a fragrance free moisturizer to keep the skim of drought and alleviate itching. Rubbing could damage the skin hard again so do not use only a gentle touch. Application solution gently into the whole area will do the trick.
There are some drinks that contain a formula that 24-hour time release. Time release formula helps skin to stay moist for almost of the day. You can choose to apply the cream is still in the times of operation during the day. Using a moisturizer after the shower, around the middle of the day, and before you go to sleep helps assist your tattoo in good condition. It's also rare that apply to the solution of so much, that can be applied more frequently if you want.
5-6 days is the average time that people find that they need to put on the cream, and use it for a little longer if it looks like you need to. Another alternative is to start with m ointment to keep your tattoo healthy, and then swap to the unscented moisturizer after 3-5 days. After getting a tattoo, your skin will be painful, so as not to irritate more than that with a product smell.
Remember to protect you tattoo with sunscreen when outdoors in the private sector. If you have someone outside of your tattoo is prone area, use a moisturizer with a built in sunscreen, and an SPF high. You do not just guard your tattoo, but keep your skin moist at the same time.
It is not necessary to cost you a lot to help in the healing of your tattoo and to continue to protect private investment. A little care and attention will keep your tattoo now infection free and looks good on the long term. Following this advice to help you care of your new tattoo without any worries.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Tribal Arm Tattoos in the Modern World
In today's modern world of tattoos worn by men and women. Tribal art has survived until this very day, because the designs are so appealing. For example, a Celtic tribal tattoos are very popular. These patterns are usually very complex. For this reason it is important that you only go to the tattooist, who is very experienced. Celtic tribal tattoos are known for their articulation of faith. The whole purpose of this proposal is that it seems to be endless. Shoulder tattoos are intended to symbolize love or a relationship that does not end.

However, there is a blending of world cultures, it is quite acceptable to wear a tattoo just because you like it. You do not actually member of a particular culture or tribe. If you relate to the symbolism of tribal tattoo then you can wear it on your hands.
Tribal arm tattoos are usually very complex. This is the upper arm ideal for this particular type of tattoo. The general rule is a complex structure should be placed on the body, which is mostly muscle. This is the upper arm ideal location for tattoo designs. Tribal arm tattoos offer a wide range of designs. Even if the models are the modern day, upon a tradition of indigenous art. There can be no doubt that tribal arm tattoos are very popular. There is hardly a tattoo enthusiast who does not have one.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tiger Tattoo Designs - Meaning and Ideas

So if you think the tiger represents you and you like the look of this type of tattoo, I see no reason why you should not do. Many people choose a design based on what they believe and less on what it looks like.
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